Optimizacija sajta za Google

SEO optimizacija sajta – Analiza i besplatni Seo testovi

Pošto smo se upoznali sa osnovama SEO optimizacije sajta i znamo čemu služi optimizacija, onda je vreme da pojasnimo i kako koji parametar prilikom analize-testa utiče na sajt. Zapravo, pokušaćemo da približimo sve pojedinosti seo testiranja od početka do kraja.

Prvenstveno, na internetu danas imamo mnoštvo besplatnih alata kojima možemo proveriti koliko je i kako optimizovan određeni sajt. Rezullat analize uglavnom varira između različitih alata odnosno programa koji proveravaju naš sajt a zatim i donose konačan rezultat o optimizovanosti.

Nikada ne treba sve uzeti zdravo za gotovo, posebno kada je reč o relativno mladom sajtu koji još uvek nije dovoljno dobro indeksiran kod važnih web pretraživača. Sve rezultate trebamo uzimati sa rezervom i valja naknadno proveriti još nekim alatima sajt.

Evo na primer kako bi izgledala analiza ovog sajta i stranice na kojoj se sada Vi nalazite, dakle „SEO analiza sajta – Besplatni seo testovi“.


Title Tag – Naslov stranice – Članka

Dužina naslova „meta title“ ove stranice je 46 karaktera. Možete (poželjno je) da naslov produžite do 70 karaktera. Iako se dugo smatralo da je optimalno da bude 66 karaktera, duži naslov je bolji.

SEO analiza sajta – Besplatni seo testovi Meta Opis – Meta Description

Meta opis – meta description ove stranice je 155 karaktera. Možete (preporučuje se) da opsi držite oko 160 karaktera. Ne treba preterivati sa opisom stranice.

SEO analiza sajta – Besplatni seo testovi. Provera optimizacije sajta pomoću alata za seo analizu, Beograd, Srbija.

Kako Google vidi stranicu sajta – Google Search Results Preview ?

SEO analiza sajta – Besplatni seo testovi https://www.seowebsajt.com/???SEO analiza sajta – Besplatni seo testovi. Provera optimizacije sajta pomoću alata za seo analizu, Beograd, Srbija.. Najčešće ključne reči na ovoj stranici sajta – Most Common Keywords Test

Do nedavno se gustina ključnih reči smatrala presudnim za rangiranje određene stranice sajta (prema Guglovom algoritmu). Međutim, sada se značajnijim smatra to da iako se prekorači broj ključnih reči (samo onih koje su relevantne i važne za stranicu), dobija se bolji rezultat u pretrazi. Treba voditi računa i dalje da se ključne reči drže u nekom primerenom odnosu u odnosu na količinu sadržaja na stranici. Najčešće je to 5-10 reči (tagova) po stranici.

seo- 32 reči optimizacija – 18 reči sajta – 15 reči google – 13 reči usluge – 8 reči

Upotreba ključnih reči – Keyword Usage      Čestitamo !

Vi koristite ispravno ključne reči u vašim meta tagovima, koji pomažu pretraživačima da pravilno identifikuju temu Vaše stranice. Ključne reči – Keyword(s) su uključeni u naslov stranice – included in Meta-Title Tag Keyword(s), i uključeni su takođe u Meta opis stranice – included in Meta-Description TagOblak ključnih reči – Keywords CloudOčigledno nismo dovoljno brinuli o tome da se potencira reč „seo analiza sajta ili test sajta“, međutim, vrlo smo zadovoljni rečju optimizacija sajta – pa ćemo već ovom prilikom poraditi na tome da izborom pravih tagova unapredimo i obogatimo stranicu svežim i relevantnijim rečima.Svaka stranica sajta mora imati svoj jedinstveni H1 naslov – Your page contains H1 headings. Their contents are listed below:

Seo Optimizacija Sajta SEO OPTIMIZACIJA SAJTAStatus podnaslova <h2> Headings StatusVaša stranica sajta sadrži H2 headings i to:


Testiranje robots.txt datoteke – Robots.txt Test Čestitamo! Vaš sajt koristi ispravno „robots.txt“ datoteku: https://www.seowebsajt.com/robots.txt

Analiza mape sajta – Sitemap Test Čestitamo! Pronašli smo 2 datoteke sa mapama sajta:


Ne umete da napravite ili nemate sitemap.xml datoteku na svom sajtu ? Svejedno, u ovom vam može pomoći alat za online pravljenje mape sajta.

Sitemap Generator alat. Registrujte se besplatno i koristite alatke koje nudi Sitemap Generator

Greška u linkovima – Broken Links Test

Proverite link strukturu sajta i uverite se da nema prekinutih veza – linkova koje bi mogle da bitno štete reputaciji sajtu nakon što Gugl indeksira sadržaj

Full web sajt provera linkova

Postoje besplatni i komercijalni programi za proveru linkova na sajtu. Mi vam preporučujemo offline alat pod nazivom XENU link sleuth, a više o ovom alatu je već pisano na blogu.

Kako god, potrudite se da linkove držite pod strogom kontrolom i da svaki link na sstranici sajta ima značaj kako za vaš sajt tako i za web stranicu ka kojoj se usmerava veza. Jačina relevancije je u stvari najbitnija za pozicioniranje određene stranice sajta na Google pretrazi.

Izgled linkova

Naglašeni linkovi podvučeni donjim crtama – donja linija podvučena ispod linka

Česttamo! Nemate linkove koji su podvučeni u vašim URL stranica!

Alt oznaka za slike na stranici – Image Alt Test

Vaš web sajt koristi alt oznake za sve slike, i pravilno su upotrebljeni <img> tagovi.

Inline CSS Test

Vaša stranica sadrži 25 inline CSS stilova!  To je više od dozvoljenog pa pokušajte da smanjite ovo. Zapravo radi se o tome da se sajt što više rastereti kako JS tako i CSS datoteka koje se učitavaju prilikom svakog otvaranja sajta ili određene stranice sajta. Smanjivanjem css/js datoteka se sajt dodatno ubrazava a to povoljno utiče na njegovo rangiranje.


Deprecated HTML Tags

Congratulations! Your page does not use HTML deprecated tags.

Google Analytics Test

Congratulations! Your website is using the asynchronous version of Google Analytics tracking code.

Favicon Test

Congratulations! Your website appears to have a favicon.

SEO Friendly URL Test

Congratulations! This URL and all internal links on this page are SEO friendly.

Backlinks Checker

Get all the links that are pointing to your website, see useful metrics and download the backlinks lists in useful formats: JSON, HTML & PDF.

JS Error Checker

Congratulation! There is no occurrence of any severe JavaScript Errors in your web page.

Social Media Check

Congratulations! Your website is connected successfully with social media using: Twitter;

Social Media Activity

Your website doesn’t have any social media activity. Search engines are increasingly using social media activity as an indicator of site credibility, and to determine which sites are relevant for a given keyword search.

0 Facebook Likes

0 Facebook Shares

0 Facebook Comments

0 Tweets

1 Google+

0 Pins

Speed optimizations

HTML Page Size Test

Congratulations! Your HTML size is 12.61 Kb and this is under the average web page size of 33 Kb.

This leads to a faster page loading time than average.

HTML Compression/GZIP Test

Congratulations! Your page is successfully compressed using gzip compression on your code.

Your HTML is compressed from 52.26 Kb to 12.61 Kb (76 % size savings). This helps ensure a faster loading web page and improved user experience.

Site Loading Speed Test

Your site loading time is around 8.862 seconds and is over the average loading speed which is 5 seconds.

Accurate loading speed and website loading speed monitor

Get detailed and accurate loading speed reports for your websites and see how your pages are being loaded over time. Register for free and use the Loading Speed Monitor from Seositecheckup Toolbox today and get valuable insights on how much time your customers need to wait until they see your page.

Page Objects

Your page has more than 20 http requests, which can slow down page loading. You can try reducing http requests through various methods such as using text instead of images, using css sprites, using data URIs instead of images, or combining several external files together into one.

33 Total Objects

2 HTML Pages

13 CSS Files

14 Scripts

4 Images

0 Flash Files

Page Cache Test (Server Side Caching)

Congratulations, you have a caching mechanism on your website. Caching helps speed page loading times as well as reduce server load.

Flash Test

Congratulations! Your website does not include flash objects (an outdated technology that was sometimes used to deliver rich multimedia content). Flash content does not work well on mobile devices, and is difficult for crawlers to interpret.

Image Expires Tag Test

Congratulations! Your webpage use ‘Expires’ header for your images and the browsers will display these images from the cache.

JS Minification Test

Some of your website’s JavaScript files are not minified! See full list of JavaScript files

CSS Minification Test

Some of your website’s CSS files are not minified! See full list of CSS files

Nested Tables Test

Congratulations, your page does not use nested tables. This speeds up page loading time and optimizes the user experience.

Frameset Test

Congratulations! Your webpage does not use frames.

Doctype Test

Congratulations! Your website has a doctype declaration:

<!DOCTYPE html>

Server and security

URL Canonicalization Test

https://www.seowebsajt.com and http://seowebsajt.com resolve to the same URL.

IP Canonicalization Test

Your site’s IP 85.xxx.xx.xxx does not redirect to your site’s domain name. This could cause duplicate content problems if a search engine indexes your site under both its IP and domain name.


Your website is not using https, a secure communication protocol. Even for sites that do not collect senstive customer information, search engines suggest that switching to https is an increasingly good idea and may help improve rankings. Note: if your site relies primarily on adsense income, be aware that using https may be detrimental to ad earnings.

Safe Browsing Test

This site is not currently listed as suspicious (no malware or phishing activity found).

Server Signature Test

Congratulations, your server signature is off.

Directory Browsing Test

Congratulations! Your server has disabled directory browsing.

Libwww-perl Access Test

Your server appears to allow access from User-agent Libwww-perl. Botnet scripts that automatically look for vulnerabilities in your software are sometimes identified as User-Agent libwww-perl. By blocking access from libwww-perl you can eliminate many simpler attacks. Read more on blocking Libwww-perl access and improving your website’s security.

Plaintext Emails Test

We found 1 email addresses in your page code. We advise you to protect email links in a way that hides them from the spam harvesters.

Mobile usability

Media Query Responsive Test

Congratulations, your website uses media query technique, which is the base for responsive design functionalities.

Mobile Snapshot

You can see below how your website looks on the portrait view of a mobile device.

Advanced SEO

Microdata Schema Test

Your webpage doesn’t take the advantages of HTML Microdata specifications in order to markup structured data. View Google’s guide for getting started with microdata.

Noindex Tag Checker

Your webpage does not use the noindex meta tag. This means that your webpage will be read and indexed by search engines.

Canonical Tag Checker

Your webpage is using the canonical link tag. This means that your webpage is not the preferred one to use in the search results.

<link rel=“canonical“ href=“https://www.seowebsajt.com/“ />

Nofollow Tag Checker

Your webpage does not use the nofollow meta tag. This means that search engins will crawl all links from your webpage.

Disallow Directive Checker

Your robots.txt file does not use the disallow directive. This means that the whole website can be crawled by search engines.

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